One Line A Day.

We love to record our lives. Writing a diary or journal used to be the simplest way. But with emerging social media sites such as Instagram or Twitter, writing about our lives and expecting people to care, seems to have become second nature. Some people go even as far as daily vlogging; sharing their daily doings on YouTube for thousands to see, too much? Sometimes. This time last year I attempted the 'Photo 365 Challenge' by which, you take a photo every day of 2013. Thousands attempted this on Instagram, whereas others, like me downloaded the app to save the photos in and look back when you have completed the year. I lasted until June. I have too many lazy days that don't have much worthy to photograph.

'One Line A Day' is a 5 year journal which I got for Christmas. It has space for you to write a short couple of sentences each day  about something that happened. Each page has 5 sections, one for each year so you can go back and compare. Hopefully I will stick to it, it would be fantastic to see what I was doing on each and every day of 2014. I have written in a couple of entries already, the hard part is figuring out how to sum up your day in a couple of lines!

The diary has room for you to fill up 5 years. I will be going off to University in September and recording my years there will be an exciting thing to look back on. Certain days of the year are always going to be occupied - such as Christmas and birthdays, I find it interesting to see how these change and adapt throughout my life. A lot can change in 5 years.

If you live in the UK you can purchase it on Amazon here for £10.99


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