It's hard to remember life before YouTube beauty videos. Theres a tutorial for every occasion, a haul to give you the urge to run to Boots and the 'industry' brought profesh make-up skills into the bedroom of girls like me everywhere.
A few years ago the beauty boom hit YouTube and the blogosphere, its only just hitting the mainstream with TV and Radio appearances from the big vloggers but its been bubbling under the surface and gaining momentum for upwards of six years.
Brushes, dupes and contouring (the last of which I'm too scared to attempt, as Tanya shows so effortlessly above). Beauty bloggers have saved us from a lifetime of ignorance and crap products, I didn't really wear make up before I discovered YouTube, it was always a slap and dash attempt, but now I'm actually interested in what goes onto my face and how I should care for my skin.
Brushes, dupes and contouring (the last of which I'm too scared to attempt, as Tanya shows so effortlessly above). Beauty bloggers have saved us from a lifetime of ignorance and crap products, I didn't really wear make up before I discovered YouTube, it was always a slap and dash attempt, but now I'm actually interested in what goes onto my face and how I should care for my skin.
But does Vlogging go too far? Do we really need to see a vloggers' 'Handbag Collection' or 'Make-Up Storage'? And daily vlogging? Thats a whole other kettle of fish.
They make it look glamorous, they make you want to clean your brushes and display them in a little pot you probably decanted a Diptique candle from. Lord help you if you ever thought of applying eyeshadow with your fingers, absolute sacrilege. So instead of internally screaming because Boots had sold out of my shade of Collection 2000s lasting perfection concealer and curling myself into the foetal position, I took a hold of myself. I can't live my life following tips delivered kindly in ukelele backed videos.
A few years ago, a lot of my friends thought that the sun shone out of Zoella's arse. But when her subscribers tripled by millions and she started bringing out products and a book (the less said about that the better) people turned against her. 'She doesn't deserve it', 'What does she even do?' In her defence, she didn't ask for all this attention but yes there are a lot of hidden factors.
One day Zoe Sugg will be doing an interview saying "When you’re younger you worry about so many things that you don’t need to worry about like image, appearance" as she explained on the red carpet of the Teen Choice Awards. Then the next week she'll show to over six million of her subscribers what make-up to wear, knowing full well those young girls hang off her every word, its all very hypocritical. I'm only subjecting Zoe because she has by far surpassed every other beauty vloggers, but there are so many who do the same. I am skeptical about the morals of beauty vlogging... but I just can't stop clicking on those videos.
With each vlogger gaining more subscribers by the day, the small online community that was there a few years ago has practically gone, the rest of the public don't understand what vloggers are and articles written by publications like Vice don't help. They might be paid to talk about products and some of their views maybe a little confused but these women have helped a generation of girls feel a little less insecure - and for that I'm grateful.
A few years ago, a lot of my friends thought that the sun shone out of Zoella's arse. But when her subscribers tripled by millions and she started bringing out products and a book (the less said about that the better) people turned against her. 'She doesn't deserve it', 'What does she even do?' In her defence, she didn't ask for all this attention but yes there are a lot of hidden factors.
One day Zoe Sugg will be doing an interview saying "When you’re younger you worry about so many things that you don’t need to worry about like image, appearance" as she explained on the red carpet of the Teen Choice Awards. Then the next week she'll show to over six million of her subscribers what make-up to wear, knowing full well those young girls hang off her every word, its all very hypocritical. I'm only subjecting Zoe because she has by far surpassed every other beauty vloggers, but there are so many who do the same. I am skeptical about the morals of beauty vlogging... but I just can't stop clicking on those videos.
With each vlogger gaining more subscribers by the day, the small online community that was there a few years ago has practically gone, the rest of the public don't understand what vloggers are and articles written by publications like Vice don't help. They might be paid to talk about products and some of their views maybe a little confused but these women have helped a generation of girls feel a little less insecure - and for that I'm grateful.
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