January Playlist

The end of another month brings another playlist of the tracks I've been loving recently. I've been obsessing over Lorde and Jake Bugg throughout January. Their albums have been on constant repeat for me. I can't believe Lorde is 17 and has a Grammy under her belt. Genuine talent that I don't think anyone can compete with at the moment. After finally writing my Jake Bugg gig review earlier in the month, it prompted me to have a listen to 'Shangri La' a little more and I'm so glad I did. It is a whole lot better than his début, if that is possible. He sounds so much better with a band behind him, it gives much more depth to his music. I recommend 'Me and You' or 'Messed Up Kids'. 

A few other favourites from January are the wonderful Joy Formidable, who I rediscovered recently. Also a track that surprised me, which was 'Blue' by Beyonce. This is the cutest track I think I've ever heard, if you don't like Beyonce (I'm not a huge fan myself) skip to the last 30 seconds of this track, you will fall in love. 

I didn't do a 'New Year' post because I didn't think anyone would be too bothered about my goals and what not, due to every other person on the planet with an internet connection doing so. But I want to travel more this year, and use this blog to record all of that. My Sociology teacher asked us last week 'What do you think is necessary for a decent standard of living?' whilst everyone else she asked said 'cars', 'clothes' and other materialistic items. My first thought was 'freedom'. You don't even have to go abroad, exploring where you live opens your eyes to so many different cultures and ways of life. So that is what I want to do with my 2014. Even if nobody reads my ramblings at least I'll have something to look back on in a couple of years. (I might even vlog it...) I have been watching too many Ben Brown and Louis Cole YouTube videos recently, if those vlogs don't make you wan't to drop everything, pack a bag and leave everything behind, I don't know what will. 

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