With the distractions of twitter, tumblr and my latest obsession Candy Crush, summer will pass me by without noticing, just as it has done years before. Then before I know it, it'll be the end of August and i'll be getting my AS results back - which I am not looking forward to!
1. Learn to drive! (I haven't even started lessons yet...)
2. Go to as many gigs, festivals and theme parks as possible
3. Go camping in preparation for Leeds Fest
4. Blog as much as possible (more than twice a week)
5. Start drawing again, as I never have time anymore
6. Rework some of my old clothes
7. Make another tote bag using gig tickets and become a pro on the sewing machine
8. Spend more time with friends
9. Sunbathe on the roof (this is easier than it sounds, theres a little flat bit - i'm not that stupid)
10. Day trip it to a cute little town in the country
11. Have clear skin
12. Do something for charity
13. Have a water balloon fight (please sun, please)
14. Finish decorating my bedroom
15. Get my ears pierced!
16. Prepare more for my radio show rather than blagging it, also get more people listening
17. Dip dye the tips of my hair either pink, blonde or turquoice.
18. Get a tan (I highly doubt this will happen in Manchester)
19. Work as much as possible so I can afford to do these things
20. Meet Bastille (this is the most important)
Todays listening: Death Grips
I'm not gonna lie this isn't an easy song to listen to. But I think its genius and i'm surprisingly obsessed with it. Death Grips are an experimental hip hop group from California and their sound is completely unable to explain. Not only is it experimental hip hop but there is a really angry sounding guy shouting and rapping over the top of all their songs. I can't understand a word he's say but I love it.
Todays listening: Death Grips
I'm not gonna lie this isn't an easy song to listen to. But I think its genius and i'm surprisingly obsessed with it. Death Grips are an experimental hip hop group from California and their sound is completely unable to explain. Not only is it experimental hip hop but there is a really angry sounding guy shouting and rapping over the top of all their songs. I can't understand a word he's say but I love it.
Learn to drive is on mine too. Its so hard though haha xx